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Kleeblattgasse 5

Mon – Fri 11:00 to 2:00, Sat – Sun 17:00 to 2:00

If you follow this blog, you will notice that one of our obsessions is, when we travel, we like having a good pizza near … In Vienna you will find the best in Leopoldsgasse 23rd , or a good and cheap, the “mafia” in Reindorfgasse 15. The first falls far ways away and the second is between Mariahilfer Strase and Naschmarkt, where there are already too many options so do not touch (our “commitment” is never given so many alternatives that you turn crazy picking … but say only clear and direct recommendations ).

But the center of Vienna, in the ring, it is not easy to find a good site that is local and wallet can handle it. Tourist traps of all colors find. And some really nice. Terraces and charming spots, with candles and wooden tables. Surely some will be a great time but there scouter travel the world that has tried them all … But if you ask local they never go to these sites and there must be …

But there is one exception: the Kolar. If you manage to find it (it is a very short street in a “U” that leaves and returns to Tuchlauben), you prove, and, “Fladen”, a kind of pizza folded like a mix of calzone and pita. Do not miss the tuna! (€ 5.40 large portion that will leave you full of everything, but there from 3 €). Their beer is also Krügel first (€ 3.20 Pitcher 0.5 lit).

Viena Kolar restaurant

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