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Africa, after being on a safari in 5 different countries.

Etosha Park, Namibia

Kruger Park, South Africa:

It is the easiest to visit but the least authentic. It is a “do it yourself” safari, driving through set tracks but you cannot even open the windows. At night, you will sleep in modest bungalows with the grill on the backyard as if they were semidetached houses. It is easy to see all kinds of animals except for lions and cheetahs. There are not many. Before going photo-hunting, you can look at he camp map where you can see where the animals where seen the day before, but many times it’s the same.

Africa, after being on a safari in 5 different countries.

Lions, Amboseli, Kenya

Lion, Serengeti, Tanzania
There is no doubt that they are the kings of the savannah. All day laying down, doing nothing while their females go hunting. And if that wasn’t enough, when he feels the “need of company” and the female is not into it, because she already has a litter from another king, he eats her cubs to be able to impregnate her with his genes. However, not all of them live like kings. When a male has to leave a group to form his own, since they are not good hunters, he might die of starvation. What an end for a sovereign!