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Here’s our selection of Smart Links so you can build your trip very easy.

What a Smart Link is?: a site selected by Way Away for having the best price, be more useful or easier to use.

At Way Away’s Trip Planner for each reservation you have to do, we will tell our Smart Link, specially selected depending on your destination, hotel, transportation or activity.
Here you have the most important Smart Links, in case you are travelling to a destination we do not have available yet. Bookmark this webpage and you will have everything you need when travelling.

Best website to book hotels is BookingScore breakdown: cleanliness, comfort, location, facilities, staff and value for money. Only travellers who have stayed at the hotel can leave their opinion (no false opinions from the owner). They agree with every hotel the lowest price. Book hotel at Booking

Read opinions at TripAdvisorYou will find reviews about EVERYTHING! Reviews about where to stay, where to eat, what activities to do, etc. If you are unsure about visiting a museum or taking a tour, you will find help at Trip Advisor. It is very easy user friendly website. Read opinions at TripAdvisor

Find your flight at Expedia
Expedia is one of the best flight search engines because includes many Low Cost companies that not appear in other search engines. If you want to know all the options, we recommend it! Find your best flight option at Expedia

Best website to book a car is Rental Cars
Rental Cars is undoubtedly the site where you can rent a car at the best price. It includes the following brands: Europcar, Herth, Avis, Alamo, etc. Also, they have a great customer service. Book a car at Rental Cars

Best website to book accessories for your travels

Do you need an universal adapter? Do you want a book or a movie to know the culture of the country where you are travelling? Amazon has a wide range of travel accessories, books and movies. Their customer service is incredibly good.
See books, movies and accessories at Amazon

Last minute offers and hotel reservations:

Book Ferrys: Aferry and Directferries

Train Tickets: Seat61 and Interrail

Book Hostals and bed & breakfast:

Rent Apartments:

Boutique hotels:

Airport Information:


Around the world tickets:


Climate: Best time for travelling

Holidays and events:

Currency: Exchange rates (includes historics)

Local time:

Safety and health:

Visas and embassies:

Others/ curiosities:

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