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Divine Point 129 Rua da Matriz

Spaghetti Calamari 39.90 R $ (16 €)
Pizza gamberetti 41.90 R $ (17 €)
Artistic Covered 7 R $ (€ 3)

Divine Point is one of the best Italian restaurants not only in Brazil but also Paraty. That said, I do not expect to eat like in Trastevere in Rome, but it’s one of the few Italians in Brazil in which the pasta al dente make. Besides its terrace has nothing to envy to the Roman. Buenísimos spaghetti frutti di mare both as calamari (lula in Portuguese, which together with prawns abound mostly in these seas). If you are lucky and have the ravioli di pesce are also first. They make themselves so even though they are on the card, not always available.

Seeing their wood oven have temptations sure to order a pizza. Are thin and tasty but would lack a little more substance, both as cheese and tomato ingredients. Come on, that however much the poster put Divine Pizza Point, ask you a plate of pasta!

Recommendation: Although you will have to order two dishes to quedaros full, the ration given almost for two, so if you are a couple and tell them that you will share and I will bring them on two plates.

When Repay do not be surprised to see 7 R $ by “artistic covered”. Is the toll to pay to have live music, but at least does not bother Divine Point. Elsewhere Brazil one would pay for stop playing …

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Tamarindo, recommended by Lonelyplanet

Need we say more! Good food, expensive prices, full of tourists. The fans sure will prove Lonelyplanet. For us though is rich, is too Hens only. The truth is that all Jericoacoara is for tourists but there are places and sites. And this, although looks good and the terrace is fine, looks a pint too turistoide. That said, the fish is very good and should be repeated every day that are in Jericoacoara …

It’s in an alley that goes Lining to Rua Rua Principal (the lane closest to the praia). Like most places in Jeri, closes at noon.

As always, the letter has everything but the Tamarindo is famous for fish.

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Bar Aperitiv en Praia da Abraáozinho
Peixe frito 30 R$ (12 €)
Lula crocante 40 R$ (16 €)

Point do Verao
Suco natural 8 R$ (2,4 €)
Cerveja de botella 6 R$ (1,8 €)
Lula a doré – fried calamari 40 R$ (16 €)

One of the best tours in Ilha Grande (and easier and cheaper to do) is to walk quietly to the Praia da Abraaozinho. And once there take a plate of calamari or fried fish. To choose table you have it easy: there are only two restaurants. They are equally good but given the choice we are left with the “red”, the Point de Verao before with the “yellow”, the Aperitiv. The waiter is famous for the nonsense jokes he does but don’t worry because after the second beer he will start to look funny!

Bar aperitiv Ilha Grande

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Toca do Morro, mountain climbing, walking to the Pousada Nido del Águila

Caipirinha 8 reales
Caipiroska with passion fruit 14 reais 

Neapolitan Pizza

Entry 5 reais per person





One of the best sites around Brazil, maybe of the world, to see a sunset and rethink life. From the church of the village of Morro, to the left is the direct path down to the port and the right of it you will see a road up to the hill fortress. Above all to the left, past the Eagle Nile pousada, you will see the entrance to the Toca do Morro. The hubs turn the door will explain how it works. One card per person, to ask what you charge on the card and you pay out so consumed more 5 R $ for the input. Ratéis No, because if we were you, and now we were in Morro Bay, would spend every night in the Toca do Morro.

Take your time to choose the site. You see there from chill out to stretch, to banks and low tables in the front row, which are our favorites, missing more. You can just have a drink and watch the sunset or, what I recommend because the site is spectacular, make dinner and stay here until they run out of caipirinhas.

To start the table is spectacular with some cheese, olives, sausage alleged and some more. When you start to rise caipirinhas, ask you a couple of pizzas (the first will fly …). It shows that those who run it are Argentine and they have good taste in food!

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The schooner Netuno II of Paraty Tours to visit the praias and islands of Paraty

Caipirinha 12 R $ (5 €)
Lula grelhada (grilled squid) or doré (a Roman) 28 R $ (12 €)
Molho of camarao com Peixe (fish with shrimp sauce) 30 R $ (12 €)
Trip price R $ 30 (12 €)

In Brazil planner will explain the best way to choose a ship with which to make the trip to the beaches and islands of Paraty and, above all, how to get the best price and do not be fooled!

If we do most likely case is that acabéis in Netuno II. Captain of the first (a must because more than a scare tourists have seen addressed by your own boat …), lovely crew and also cooks posh.

You’ll have to ask for the menu before you get to the first stop to getting everything ready to go. The fish with shrimp sauce is great with rice and squid, which together with the camarao is the most abundant in these waters, even better. Although the letter is to grill, so you can ask fried (“dore”). As always Brazil, tend to make it too salty but with such notice is sufficient. As with cilantro! (“Cuantro” in Portuguese) If you endure, which is standard, Warn whenever you note!

The caipirinha, the price in the area, they are expensive but good. The strawberries in this region are very tasty so that you can use to request to “morango”.

Coffee and fruit are free throughout the journey but beware of the sweet that I offer at the end of everything. It seems that also enters the gift set … but no. Although it looks good and looks like a truffle is very cloying. And if you end up paying R $ 3.50 when you thought it was a nice touch!

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Terrace Do Sousa 

If you go down from the central square in the Largo do Comércio to the bus station, in the last place just before crossing to get to the terminal, you will find Do Sousa.

This place really is to park but in a corner you will see a caravan and a terrace tables. Just have hot-dog (puppy quente), served with a kind of chili and some cheese, chips and peas all mixed up sausage. Served with tartar sauce and ketsup to taste. And it only costs 5 reales each (2 €).

It is the hot spot in Sao Luis among youth. And it is true, is a little piggy eating and at some point the square may smell bad but it’s true!

Sao Luis

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If you do not want to spend more than 2 €, in Salvador you will be still able to eat something. Iros to Pelourinho, the Largo Terreiro of Jesus, near to the Cathedral and find a couple street barbecue with skewers of meat to 5 R $ (€ 2). Tasty are even smell better than not know. But what more do you want for two euros! Well over chair and table where you will have to sit. And if you fancy a caipirinha, no problem. Who will never want to bring her from a cart.

12 10 16 Salvador y Morro de Bahía 073 bis

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Bar do Mineiro en Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno 99
Adega do Pimenta en Rua Almirante Alexandrino 296
Aprazivel en Rua Aprazivel 62

When the tram “badinho de Sta Tereza” still worked, this neighborhood was more charming. Now is not the same because their rise and cobbled streets are not the best for walking. In any case, if you finish up to meet him, the Bar do Mineiro and pepper Adega do are possibly the two most famous bars or restaurants.

In the Bar do Mineiro can try feijoada broth or meat pies for 10-30 R $, but the truth, is not famous we taste. Our recommendation assail one cerveja freda and greet the staff with a good smile when they say if you want to eat something. To eat something, we prefer the Adega do Pimenta. Try the sausage and roasted potatoes (R $ 20).

Yes, if you want to make a good dinner those paid in Sta Teresa have the Aprazivel that every day is becoming more famous. Hopefully it will not end up being too expensive or too touristy!

Bar do Mineiro brazil

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Even the most abstemious knows the Brazilian national drink is the caipirinha, but not everyone knows that juice comes from sugar cane slaves mixed with fruit. The traditional is “limao” but do not fail to try any flavor! Especially to “morangos” (strawberries), passion fruit (passion fruit) or coconut. Or even with vodka instead of cachaça, the famososas and caipiroskas. Depending on the area will cost you from 6-12 R $.

Although if you want to drink without you to perish, the best option is the “cerveja” (beer). By about 6 or 7 R $ have the “bottles”, 600ml bottles of beer brand. No country in the world where you shall feel cooler! (“Gelada” if you want to ask in Portuguese). It will be because the heat that burns the beer here is hot in two minutes and are well prepared. But there is no place where you serve it cold but not freezing, and always in a kind of bucket-shaped bottle closed.

Our favorite beer is the Bramha, traditional, or Bohemia, with a touch of banana flavor (although no one has been able to confirm …). The Skol, however, falls short of flavor but still good cold. Itaipava the Schin and medium would be not as rich as the Bramha but Skol above.

12 11 01 Río de Janeiro 067About Brazilian wines, we have great doubts … A priori we would say or try them, but it is true that we have always taken any we liked, or to be a poquinho … The best advice, always ask for a drink and if you like hurl you!

We can not end this without talking about the traditional coconut with a straw you will find on all the beaches. By 3-5 R $, I open the coconut and drink ahead of you are four days … Although I have saved between ice and out is frozen, few times the “suco” becomes really cold. And, if we’re honest, not worth much but to prove that it is not!

Although test, do not fail to put you cups all “suco” (juice) of every kind you’ll find in all the “coffee do manhana” (breakfast). In many sites are too watery or have strange flavors for a European, but in others you yourselves have gone the jar!

12 11 02 Ilha Grande 174 bis

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Cafetería Tango Café, Beco da Felicidade, Praia do Forte

If you don’t have breakfast in your “pousada” or you want something sweet in the , you can try the cafe-bakery Tango Café.

You will find it in the Rua de la Felicidade, the penultimate street leaving the Alameda do Sol on the left before you get to the Plaza de San Francisco at the beach.

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