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Madolosso Velho, Avenida Manoel Ribas 5852, Santa Felicidade

Free Rodizio R $ 34 per person (14 €)

The most famous restaurant in Curitiba and according to them, the largest in the world! Just for this one and would not want to go … but they were all so heavy that we could not go, that we went. It’s in the Santa Felicidade, that when you talk about it, between what you have and the name, I can imagine a nice neighborhood, on a small hill, with beautiful houses and pedestrian streets. None of this. A street that almost looks like a highway restaurant atrocities on either side competing to see who makes it fatter.

The “new” Madolosso looks like a Las Vegas casino, so best we recommend the “velho” which is right in front. But if you want to FEEL may cast a few laughs and you’re on a middling macroboda not cortéis and to the casino!

In any case, the two sites will eat the same. It is the typical Brazilian restaurant “Rodizio”. They are free bar food, the cheapest with self-service buffets and more expensive (so to speak, because the price is very economical and more thinking about what you are eating …) they will serve in the same table. Madolosso is the latter. Pasta, meat, salads, itchy bites, so much food … in the end you do not know where to put the fork. And above, if you have a craving, you asked to not be the first time I cooked for someone!

Just do not expect you the best quality in the world but it’s not bad! Among so many things like chicken wings will go unnoticed, so I better warn you that is most good!

And to drink, if you still have it in the letter, do not fail to ask the red Ikella. An Argentine cabernet sauvignon Parker loved … and us!

If you like the subject of repeated rodizios and want another alternative is Batel Grill, Av Nossa Senhora Aparecida 78 (before Rua Teixeira Soares). Not as famous as the Madolosso, but according to many about the same height.

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Curitiba

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

House Coupe in Praça da Matriz

Philomena Burguer 19.70 R$ (8 €)
Batata fritas 10.90 R$ (4.4 €)
Suco de limao 5 R$ (2 €)
Chopp cerveja grande 6 R$ (2.4 €)

When you get to Paraty is that it takes many days for Brazil and perhaps ye fancy a change of menu. In any other country in the world, pizzerias and Italian restaurants are ideal to give rest to the stomach. In Brazil no. The paste usually make pizzas too old and hard to find some that is normal. Too thick or too thin. With sometimes a little cheese special. Or the different ingredients such as caramelized onions or cut into pieces egg above.

So if you are of those who need a break from both “refriçao” with rice and beans, do not fail to go to the House Coupé! In the same Praça da Matriz, the central square of Paraty, with a nice terrace but also beautifully decorated interior, which is already well here when abundant rainfall.

And have no doubt: hamburger. Impeccable, with the taste of good burgers. And with real Heinz ketchup. The sweet potato fries you have to order them separately but do not fail to do so. With the cheese over them cast are fantastic.

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Paraty

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Girasol restaurant, behind the church, above the alley where they sell tickets Fretcar (once in Jeri’ll understand perfectly …)

If you ask here and there are always two restaurants in Jericoacoara that everyone recommends. Written Tamarindo. In words the Sunflower. The first is the Lonelyplanet favorite. The second ours.

It is a little off, a quiet terrace, perfect for a nice dinner away from the bustle of Jericoacoara (clos at noon). Do not forget to try the “massa frutti di mare” (seafood pasta) or picanha (grilled meat with different sauces if you like mushrooms or capers.’s A bit pricey but Jeri know that most arriving by Turisas here is not that they are poor precisely, so overall I struggle to find cheap places in town with terraces of first (cheap seats for locals or leveraged guiris exist, but are usually hidden corners and not too clean truth …).

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Jericoacoara

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Flutuante Bambubar, restaurant in Praia do Pouso

Peixe moqueca for two 70 R $ (28 €)
Lua to doré Petisco 50 R $ (20 €)
Garlic Camarao 80 R $ (32 €)
Peixe fried 35 R $ (14 €)

If you have no tendency to dizzy or if you want to get drunk fast with the caipirinha, the BambuBar is the original restaurant around Ilha Grande. Floating Bar just few meters from the beach, with a small boat will take you up if you want a drink.

The fish is fresh and not overcharge more than other kiosks for the fun of floating, but it is still a bit expensive, in line with many restaurants in Ilha Grande. The problem is that here you will expose less profit because the small reciprocating eventually you may end up getting tired. But yes, the pictures that you will draw will be more Will Teach you around!

Ilha Grande Praia de Pouso

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Ilha Grande

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Sete Pizzas in Alameda do Sol s / n, with the Beco do Arlindo (near the beginning before the square)

Pizza for two people of 39-53 R $
Pizza median of 35-48 R $

If you will not waste much time deciding where to dine, this is the best alternative. In the same Alameda do Sol, as 99% of restaurants, a relaxing terrace, nice waiters and wood oven for pizzas, finite and served with a lid that is not cool. On top are good.

12 10 16 Salvador y Morro de Bahía 017

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Praia do Forte

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

If you are in Sao Luis and want to eat somewhere truly local, come into the market. Do not miss it. In the center of town in the old town you will see. Enter through one of the arches and you will see all crowded tables.

If you want something less noisy and safer (in terms of the quality of the food!), The other option is the D’Antigamente, also in the center in the long do Comércio. With a pleasant terrace, at night the expanded to the entire walkway. Also at night are released to play live music. It depends on the voice that can touch you or be an unforgettable evening can finish asking the earplugs!

In any case it is a good place to eat. You pay at the counter to check out and no cards. We recommend you ask for “meia meat du sol” (meat paella served hot with cheese, with half rations have more than enough) and try the provolone. The cerveja, as always in Brazil, frost!

Restaurant D’Antigamente in the Largo do Comércio
Provoleta con azeitonas 14 R$ (6 €)
Carne de Sol 30 R$ (12 €)

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Sao Luis

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Mar Bella Pizzeria in Rua da Praia 719

From R $ 30-60 for two large pizza

If fish are full of the Ilha Grande only have two options: either the Tropicana or pizzeria creperie Mar Bella. If it’s quality, best first. If it’s id number to the second. They are the best pizzas in Brazil, much less, but at least the beer is cold and the waiters are good people.

Although it is a “basic”, do not ask to “alleged” because here comes the worst ham only. Best assail the Frutos do Mar. .. but this is still fish! Well, is that the meat is not very well, so you better assail drinking a margarita and a good Itaipava which is the local beer!

lha Grande

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Ilha Grande

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Mama Bahía, Cravo & Canela o Negro’s in Rua J. Castro Rabelo

Picanha da sheet for 1 person in the Mama Bahía (steak) 38 R $ (15 €)
Frango to Milan for 2 people in the Cravo & Canela (chicken nuggets) 30 R $ (12 €)
Peixe moqueca for 2 people in the Negro’s 30-35 R $ (12-14 €)

At night, the center Pelourinho seems abandoned in some unnamed African capital and not wanting to keep fighting. Even the thugs move in slow motion, because most of the crack that has taken up the urge to steal. They look like a lost zombies instead of pickpockets about to steal the wallet. Despite this, it is better not to move too much or get by any street that is not another tourist.

In Brazil planner will recommend the best hotel to stay in Pelourinho without any problem. But if you want to dine here, here is our recommendation: go away to Rua J. Castro Rabelo and sit in one of the three or four terraces to see. To arrive, take the Rua das Portas do Camu coming out of Long Terreiro of Jesus (one of the two squares of Pelourinho, this is the Church and the Cathedral) and is the first right.

The first restaurant is the Mama Bahía. I will recommend everyone and the truth is that you can find more hits will be very well decorated. Both sometimes afraid to go. The price, without being exaggerated, it is still twice that of its neighbors. So pay 15 euros for a dish that is not anything special, when next you will be filled belly in half, not plan. That ends up being the emptiest of the whole street. And therefore we prefer to recommend either: the Cravo & Canela or Negro’s.

Brasil Argentina Movil 088 bisThe two have a nice terrace (to be the center of Pelourinho at night …), cheap and Bahian food. That is, moquecas (fish or meat made in a clay pots sauce with onions and peppers), Peixe fried carne do sol, etc … The Black’s is more restaurant and it shows female hand your waiter, although in the Cravo & Canela you will become a laugh with the maitre Jamaican. You are in Salvador, so the food is the least … but still do not compliquéis life. A breaded chicken with sweet potato fries, a cold beer and a caipirinha to close the night. Pretentious fish or meats always have the risk of equivocaros. Specifically, forget about the meats do sol, Picanhas and other dried meats Brazilian inventions. Over the two days sure are.

Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Salvador da Bahia

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Minas Grill, weigh restaurant, in Rua Raimundo Corréa 34-A

As throughout Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro you will find the weigh restaurants. That is, pay as much as you eat. To calculate it they weigh the plate. The more elaborate with more than one price level, as if salad, meat or fish. But most single price will between 1.8 and 2.5 R $ for every 100g. Do not worry to calculate how much you can get the food because it’s ridiculous … In Copacabana find several restaurants of this type and the truth is that, more or less, all knowing just the same. In any case, we recommend one where at least you will have the assurance that you can eat:

Grill Restaurant at Rua Minas Raimundo Corréa 34-A, one of the intersecting streets linking Copacabana with  Rua Barata Ribeiro.


Restaurants More recommended restaurants in Rio de Janeiro

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil

Sometimes one comes to think that for Brazilians food is almost a nuisance. As they do not care too much. So the most popular restaurants are the “a kilo”, where they sell food by weight. The weight of the filled dish is the weight you pay. No matter if you it’s full of salad or meat. You can imagine, it’s not delicious but curious, yes it is. So try it at least one day!

For breakfast instead, it does take seriously the thing. Probably the “manhana coffee” will be the best you eat in Brazil. Warm cheese bread, fried banana, lots of different cakes, tapioca, any flavor that you choose, breads of various kinds, exotic fruit juices, jams and fruit to give up and deal. Test everything, especially the cakes and cupcakes, but possibly the best, and it says that the fruit one supremely bored him, is the pineapple. Sweet, delicious, soft, tasty.

Tapioca, however, is a bad copy between French crepes and burritos. When well mixed, comes to seem a good bread but it is no big deal. The bad, however, seem to have stones embedded. You can choose the filling, sweet or savory. The most typical of frango the (chicken) or presumed  queijo (ham and cheese), like a sandwich joint or bikini. Actually, the “misto quente” made with bread is the most typical Brazilian snack.

12 10 15 Praia do Forte 257The you come with a list of dishes to try I have been told that the first is the feijoada. They have their roots in the days of slaves when Sunday leftovers gave them what they ate the masters “whitey”. As did not allow for much had to add beans and whatever so I had something of substance. That sounds bad but it’s not that I know much better. Now you sell like a seafood paella price. Come on, that the best advice I can give is to cross it off the list directly without testing …

What we can not fail to try is the Peixe, the camarao, the lagosta or aratu (Hamburgers, Hot shrimp, lobster or crab meat). If you like “Refeições” or “grass especiais” always accompanying beans, rice and salad. If you like “tira-gosto” or “petiscos” comes with a lettuce leaf under his arm. It can be grilled, fried or soaked with moqueca. The moqueca is a sauce of onion, tomato and cilantro (watch because many Westerners cilanto gives them creepy!). Our favorite moqueca or fried (in many places, “fried” is rather passed through the plate with a lot of oil but in some it is like “breaded.” Both are very tasty!). In the coastal sites also tend to have “dust” (octopus) or “lula” (squid), delicious both!

As for meat, the most typical dishes are the frango (chicken), the picanha (a kind of steak but only worth asking really good sites) and carne do sol (sliced ​​steak grilled with onions and sometimes pieces tomato, spectacular if the meat is good. Brazilians are like “a cabalho”, on horseback, with a fried egg on top). They also have beef jerky but it is very tasty …

Apart from all this, one of the establishments is the typical Brazilian “Rodizio”, a kind of self-service or free bufette often combined with table service (the waiters are passing with various dishes and you are going to serve what You Like It!). That is, for a fixed price you can eat whatever you want.

12 11 01 Río de Janeiro 012In Brazil it is customary for the main dishes are always for two. So do not be alarmed with the price! But neither ask cortéis in for one. I will leave it without problems and in many places overcharge just half (in a few, a little more …)

As for the price, it is not as expensive as in Europe but it is a bargain. Also, remember that you must always add 10% for service. It’s not mandatory … but as if it were. Care not pay back twice because it always appears in the account!

Now, even more deserted beach, you can pay with cash card but always carry case. When paying with the “cartao” I wonder if credit or debit card. If you pay with European cards will always be with credit (Recollect that now with American Express, if payment is in abroad, you charge a% exaggeration!)

The best website to find restaurants in Brazil is Quatro Rodas Guide.

Brasil Río de Janeiro

Restaurants Other recommended restaurants in Brazil