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Routes and restaurants to enjoy your trip more than ever

We tell you where to find the best travel accessories at the best price: AMAZON

Universal plug (175 countries): see universal plug for just £4,99

Are you always travelling and your passport needs some protection? See this leather case for the passport for only 19.99

It is always good and nice to know a few words in the language of the country you where you are travelling. A travel dictionary is light and will let you have short conversations with local people. See travel dictionaries!

Are you good with maps? It is always good to carry a map for when you are completely lost! See travel maps.

Do you like reading about your destination before travelling? It is a good way to learn about history and culture differences. At Way Away we always recommend you some book depending on your destination. If you are travelling check out Amazon for good deals on books.

Amazon - Best website for travel accessories

No doubt our Smart Link to buy travel accessories is Amazon, is an easy to use web, with products at good prices and good customer service.

Do you want to know the best website for booking your hotel? or the best website for reading reviews? or for renting a car? or the best website for booking your flight? Take a look to our Smart Links, don’t worry about planning and enjoy travelling!

When you travel, you want to be sure that all the activities you plan to do, the museums you want to visit or the hotel you are going to stay are worthwhile. At Way Away, we always recommend you after testing, because it is the only way to know if something it is really worth it. Also, we will give you the link to TripAdvisor‘s reviews. We believe it is one of the best websites for travel’s opinions.

It is easy to navigate and you can find reviews of all kinds: hotels, activities, museums, restaurants, bars, etc. Besides all the activities have a ranking and you can quickly get an idea of the value. If you are unsure about visiting a museum or do an excursion, TripAdvisor will help you.

More positive things: travellers can upload their own photos! Imagine you are looking for an hotel review: the hotel will always have their photos made ​​by a professional, and they always highlight the best. Now, you will also have the photos of other travellers and it will be easier for you to see what is Photoshop and what is real.

TripAdvisor is for us the best website for reading reviews from travellers around the world!

Check it out!

TripAdvisor ENG -The best website for travel opinions

Are you planning your next trip? When was the last time you jumped into a plane? How about a weekend in London or Paris ? How does Prague sound? Barcelona? Venice?

If you want to check on the prices of an airline ticket, we recommend that you look at Expedia. It is one of the best search engines: it is easy to use and it includes many Low Cost company tickets. A lot of search engines can’t track the Low Cost companies, but Expedia does.

If you have a small budget or you don’t want to spend money on the ticket plane, a Low Cost company is a good solution! So, don’t think it twice: check cheap prices at Expedia and keep travelling around the world!