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Throughout Mariahilferstraße, a sort of Portal de l’Angel in Barcelona but in Vienna, find all the chains and franchises worldwide, global world. A little further up the alternative is Neubaugasse, at the height of the metro station of the same name. In addition, four or five blocks up come to a genuine site for the famous wien-schnitzel but that’ll tell you in another post.

Now we were about Mariahilferstrase. At number 45, you will see a small entrance like a cave. Meteros by this passage and go down watching the little shops and cafes a few find. Once across, a couple of streets and you will be at the famous Naschmarket. But that will also be discussed in another post.

Now Mariahilferstrase just wanted to tell you about. If you are in Vienna, it’s late and do not want to go to sleep, give you a walk through here. Not that they have bars and pubs, there are none. Not that late Habran stores that either (well, you have a small shopping center that is open until 24 but does not look too). It’s just that all day you will see people wandering up and down this street. Three franchises clothing and food. That is the extent, if within the shawerma include food, wurst kiosks and any Asian noodles with chopsticks and take out. Eating well does not eat, but go hungry either …

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Posted In: Vienna

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