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Girasol restaurant, behind the church, above the alley where they sell tickets Fretcar (once in Jeri’ll understand perfectly …)

If you ask here and there are always two restaurants in Jericoacoara that everyone recommends. Written Tamarindo. In words the Sunflower. The first is the Lonelyplanet favorite. The second ours.

It is a little off, a quiet terrace, perfect for a nice dinner away from the bustle of Jericoacoara (clos at noon). Do not forget to try the “massa frutti di mare” (seafood pasta) or picanha (grilled meat with different sauces if you like mushrooms or capers.’s A bit pricey but Jeri know that most arriving by Turisas here is not that they are poor precisely, so overall I struggle to find cheap places in town with terraces of first (cheap seats for locals or leveraged guiris exist, but are usually hidden corners and not too clean truth …).

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