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Definitely the best place to watch the sunset in Jericoacoara and also take a good caipirinha is the giant dune. Impossible not to see it because the sun starts to heat stop you will see that everyone starts to go to there like a pilgrimage. Curiously, few people take the opportunity to drink a caipirinha, so most days there is only one cart, so you can not choose a lot … They are not as good as those of the Barraca do Socorro, our favorite Shopping Village, softer and not as strong, but we did not complain!

Mind you, if you take a peaceful and comfortable caipirinha on a terrace facing the sea, the best place is the Mosquito Blue, on the beach of Jeri. It is also the most famous because it was one of the first pousadas in Jericoacoara. Ideal for mid-afternoon when there is still light to see the sea. You will see that also serve food, but is a bit expensive and although the Peixe is good, not even remotely better than what you can take in the barracks when you go hiking with buggy (and less abundant, both in quantity and accompaniment ).

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