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Kiosk Vaga Lume

Isco do Peixe ½ R $ 18.50 (8 €)
½ medium Camarao 26 R $ (11 €)
Brahma Bottle 6.50 (2.5 €)

If you go to Paraty can not help but make the trip to Trindade but do not even think an agency! With the bus line goes that shoots! In Brazil Planner explicarmos where you take it and what a walk is worth doing in Trindade.

In the village of Trindade not worth eating, this is much better done in one of the kiosks or barracks Praia do Meio. Of all the options, do not hesitate even a little more expensive: go to the kiosk Vaga Lume. No wonder it is recommended by the Guia 4 Rodas, because both the fish and the prawns are first. Not that others are not kiosks fresh ingredients they are, but this is the “restaurant”, take better care of hygiene, will best serve you and above have some hammocks to not turn to ask why you can not stay to live in Brazil …

Although the letter put the portions are complete, are so abundant that they make you ask half portion of each. So you can try both the fried fish (with a touch marinated) and the camaraos. Of these have small, medium and large but with the middle finger and chuparéis you!

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