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Sometimes one comes to think that for Brazilians food is almost a nuisance. As they do not care too much. So the most popular restaurants are the “a kilo”, where they sell food by weight. The weight of the filled dish is the weight you pay. No matter if you it’s full of salad or meat. You can imagine, it’s not delicious but curious, yes it is. So try it at least one day!

For breakfast instead, it does take seriously the thing. Probably the “manhana coffee” will be the best you eat in Brazil. Warm cheese bread, fried banana, lots of different cakes, tapioca, any flavor that you choose, breads of various kinds, exotic fruit juices, jams and fruit to give up and deal. Test everything, especially the cakes and cupcakes, but possibly the best, and it says that the fruit one supremely bored him, is the pineapple. Sweet, delicious, soft, tasty.

Tapioca, however, is a bad copy between French crepes and burritos. When well mixed, comes to seem a good bread but it is no big deal. The bad, however, seem to have stones embedded. You can choose the filling, sweet or savory. The most typical of frango the (chicken) or presumed  queijo (ham and cheese), like a sandwich joint or bikini. Actually, the “misto quente” made with bread is the most typical Brazilian snack.

12 10 15 Praia do Forte 257The you come with a list of dishes to try I have been told that the first is the feijoada. They have their roots in the days of slaves when Sunday leftovers gave them what they ate the masters “whitey”. As did not allow for much had to add beans and whatever so I had something of substance. That sounds bad but it’s not that I know much better. Now you sell like a seafood paella price. Come on, that the best advice I can give is to cross it off the list directly without testing …

What we can not fail to try is the Peixe, the camarao, the lagosta or aratu (Hamburgers, Hot shrimp, lobster or crab meat). If you like “Refeições” or “grass especiais” always accompanying beans, rice and salad. If you like “tira-gosto” or “petiscos” comes with a lettuce leaf under his arm. It can be grilled, fried or soaked with moqueca. The moqueca is a sauce of onion, tomato and cilantro (watch because many Westerners cilanto gives them creepy!). Our favorite moqueca or fried (in many places, “fried” is rather passed through the plate with a lot of oil but in some it is like “breaded.” Both are very tasty!). In the coastal sites also tend to have “dust” (octopus) or “lula” (squid), delicious both!

As for meat, the most typical dishes are the frango (chicken), the picanha (a kind of steak but only worth asking really good sites) and carne do sol (sliced ​​steak grilled with onions and sometimes pieces tomato, spectacular if the meat is good. Brazilians are like “a cabalho”, on horseback, with a fried egg on top). They also have beef jerky but it is very tasty …

Apart from all this, one of the establishments is the typical Brazilian “Rodizio”, a kind of self-service or free bufette often combined with table service (the waiters are passing with various dishes and you are going to serve what You Like It!). That is, for a fixed price you can eat whatever you want.

12 11 01 Río de Janeiro 012In Brazil it is customary for the main dishes are always for two. So do not be alarmed with the price! But neither ask cortéis in for one. I will leave it without problems and in many places overcharge just half (in a few, a little more …)

As for the price, it is not as expensive as in Europe but it is a bargain. Also, remember that you must always add 10% for service. It’s not mandatory … but as if it were. Care not pay back twice because it always appears in the account!

Now, even more deserted beach, you can pay with cash card but always carry case. When paying with the “cartao” I wonder if credit or debit card. If you pay with European cards will always be with credit (Recollect that now with American Express, if payment is in abroad, you charge a% exaggeration!)

The best website to find restaurants in Brazil is Quatro Rodas Guide.

Brasil Río de Janeiro

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Posted In: Brazil
