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Brocéliande Creperie, 15 rue des 3 Frères

It is impossible for anyone to have tried all the multitude of restaurants on the streets going up to Montmartre. So it is impossible to know what the best of them all. But after going to a few and asking where we are left with the little creperie Broceliande.

The find walking up the rue Dancourt, when broken down into two left at the rue des 3 Frères. Pancakes as such are sweet and dessert, but are their specialty crepes and galettes call.

From € 8 to 14 the have of all types, although they are often more in all tables are Paris (lovely with mushrooms) or Catalan. And if you like the raclette ask the same, a crepe with cheese and potato and ham on top, although they are more flavorful the above. And for dessert, a classic Nutella pancake!

To drink not forget to try the cider Bolée d’Armonrique, served in cups that will have already served (€ 3 cup). Or else I will ask cider craft beer white or black British (€ 5.50).

And if you fancy a crepe and prefer an Italian, under the lively rue Abbesses, have the ristorante Al Caratello, at 5 rue Audran. Authentic Italian, with waiters pranksters but bearable, small tables and tight as it can not be anything in Montmartre, and most important of all real good pasta dishes at reasonable prices.

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