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Lauren in their 2010 Mongol Rally trip
What is the most impressing place in the world you have ever been? What advice would you give to someone who wishes to travel there?
By far the most impressive place we have been is Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The city continues to thrive and yet it holds some of the most amazing cultural and historical relics. The Registan is impressive for it’s architecture alone, but the artistic tile work, and its significance is humbling. Anyone wishing to travel to Uzbekistan needs a lot of fortitude. There are different prices for tourists, which are higher, and being ripped off is just part of travelling there. Still, it’s a great place.
– What do you hate to forget in your suitcase?
We’re always finding ourselves without batteries or chargers. It’s a rookie move to forget a charger in a hostel, and yet we keep doing just that.
Mike in their 2010 Mongol Rally trip (Abandon the Cube)
– What would you say to those travellers who are afraid to travel on their own, and end up going to a travel agency even if they do not like taking part in organized tours?
If you’re really too scared to go it alone, tours are not a horrible option. However, you will miss out on a lot. And some of what is great about travel is facing your fears and coming out okay. Test yourself, try yourself and know that most of the time you’ll be okay even if the outcome isn’t what you wanted.
– What kind of food have you tried on your travels and you found it delicious/surprising? Can you recommend us any place where to try it out?
Turkey had amazing food, but most people already know that. On the inverse, Mongolian food was horrible. We ate dog, dried vegetables, goat and donkey. Not exactly appetizing cuisine. The land there is just so barren that it must be difficult to graze cattle or grow more than the most bland of veggies. Still, they do the best with what they have.
Mike&Lauren in their 2010 Mongol Rally trip (Abandon the Cube)
– Finally, tell us something that happened to you travelling and that you will never forget …
Mostly people like to hear stories of being held at gunpoint or nearly drowning. Those things did happen, but they weren’t shocking. That’s sometimes part of travel. What surprised us and what we’ll never forget were the people who went out of their way to help us for no reason. We were picked up by a Chinese truck driver when we were desperate and lost in Ganzi. We were helped out by an amazing man in Baku when we were hostel-less. And we were treated amazingly by a friendly bus driver in South Carolina. Random acts of kindness are amazing, and they really impact a person in a special way.
Thank you guys for your time answering the questions and thank you for the professional travellers’ advises. You can follow their adventures at their blog: Abandon the Cube

Posted In: Travellers Interviews