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Cost to travel to Japan

Budget for travelling Japan:

  • Flight: €600-1,000 (£500-900)
  • Transport in Japan: €550 (£390) per person (estimated for the 14-day route)
  • Food and activities: €35 (£27) per day and person
  • Accommodation: €130 (£110) per night for a double room

Total excluding flight: approx. €1,900 (£1,650) per person (estimated for the 14-day route). 

Total: €2,500-2,900 (£2,170-3,130) per person (estimated for the 14-day route). 

Money and Currency:

The Japanese currency is the yen:

  • €1 = approx. 122 yen
  • £1 = approx. 140 yen

Check the current exchange rate here.

Although Japan is a modern country, you will need to carry money in cash as many places do not take credit cards and cash machines do not work with European-type cards.

Anyway just in case of need here you have some options:

Post offices: in all the post offices you'll find an ATM where occidental cards are accepted, but only the debit ones. Be aware that being the ATM inside the post office, you'll be able to use it only during the office opening time (9.00 to 17.00 on working days, 9.00 to 12.00 on Saturdays).  To be able to recognize these offices, look for a T with a double stick on top, all on a red background (see the photo). Their website is in Japanese but you can ask for help in the hotel to find their closer offices (see the link 'Zip code search' at their website).

ATMs inside the supermarket chains 7/11 (7-Eleven): they stay open 24 hours, they accept most of the international VISA cards (except Mastercard cards).

Citybank Japan: the Citybank ATMs accept international cards. Here you can check where to find their offices and ATMs.

Carry around ¥4,200 (€35-£30) cash per person and day. 

Best credit card to pay when travelling