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Tokyo travel maps

Map of Tokyo

Here you can see a map of Tokio with some of the main attractions from this city. You will be able to find all details and all the information of what to visit and how to go from one place to another by checking our Smart Route around Tokio and our Smart Route around Japan. Inside the Smart Route you'll have all maps you need and if you download our mobile app for Android and iOS, you'll be able to have the maps offline. 
â?? Map of Tokyo #onlyen

Omotesando map:

Here you can see the map of Omotesando, this street is known as one of the foremost 'architectural showcase', you'll be able to find fashion stores within a short distance of each other. In the map we point the best places to visit and in our Smart Routes - that you can find on the right of this page - you can see how to go from one place to another and why you can't miss this places.
  Map of Tokyo: Omotesando #onlyen

Akihabara map:

This is the map of one of the most comercial areas in Tokyo: Akihabara. We marked the main metro stations and in the recommended routes in the right of this page we'll find everything so you don't miss anything during your travels around Tokyo and Japan.
  Map of Tokyo: Akihabara and Kanda #onlyen

Roppongi map:

This is the map of the area of Tokyo known as Roppongi, which means "six trees". Six very old and large trees used to mark this area, here is where the name comes from. In our recommended routes we'll tell you everything you can't miss in every area of Tokyo.
â?? Map of Tokyo: Roppongi #onlyen

Ginza map:

This is the map of the Ginza district in the area of Chuo. In our Smart Routes you'll find all the maps but also all the information of what to visit and where to go, so you don't waste time deciding what is the best of each place.
  Map of Tokyo: Ginza #onlyen