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Kyoto travel maps

Kyoto's Gion District map:

Here you have one of the most famous areas of Kyoto, Gion. It is the most exclusive and well-known geisha districts in all of Japan. In the recommended routes, you can find to the right of this page, we'll tell you how to get there.
  Map of Kyoto: Gion district #onlyen

Kyoto temples maps:

Below you can see three maps that include some of our recommended temples in Kyoto. In the recommended routes, we'll tell you everything you need of each one of them, how to get there, if you have to pay, we'll tell you if it's worth it, we'll give you the openning hours and information about each of them, so you don't have to worry about searching hours and hours trying to find the best temples and the information about them.
  Map of Kyoto: temples #onlyen Map of Kyoto: temples #onlyen Map of Kyoto: Ginkakuji temple #onlyen