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Visit to Kofukuji Temple:

Templo Kofukuji

  • Brief description: was moved to Nara form Kyoto in 710 as the main temple of the Fujiwara family. It is one of the oldest and most historic temples of Japan. But the fires and disasters that suffered left its 175 original buildings in just a dozen. Its famous three and five floors pagodas are the main attraction of this sanctuary and one of the great icons of the park. Although not comparable to the spectacular Todaiji temple nor to the stunning location of Kasuga, this temple also has its charm. 
  • Observation: it is not worth going inside. A view from the outside is enough.
  • Notice:  the Central Golden Hall is being reconstructed and will be finished in October 2018. Despite the re-construction works, a visit to Kofukuji is still recommended.
  • How to get there: follow the indications on the map (a 20-min. walk from the station).