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Shanghai travel maps

Map of Shanghai:

At the tab "how to move around China" inside the Smart Route of China, you will find of the information about public transport in Shanghai including a tube's map.

You will also need a map of the city, but it is so big that you cannot print it. That is why we recommend you to pick up a free map at the Tourist Office you will find at the airport. In case you forget to do so, the city is plenty of Tourist Center (you can find the main one, Shanghai Information Center for International Visitors (SICIV), at Xingye Rd, Lu Wan Qu).

Meanwhile and to help you to have an idea of the city here you can download in PDF a couple of maps of Shanghai (whole city and city center):

Shanghai city center map Shanghai map

Map of Downtown Shanghai:

In this map of downtown Shanghai we point you out some of our recommended places. In our recommended routes we'll always tell you the best way to move around and how to get to each place. You can check our recommended routes on the right side of this page.
  Mapa de Shanghai. Centro de Shanghai

Shanghai's French Concession map:

Here you have the map of one of the historical areas of Shanghai, the French Concession.
  Mapa de Shanghai. Concesion Francesa

Map of Hangzhou:

This is a map from Hangzhuo, which is the capital and largest city of Zhejiang in China.
  Mapa de China. Hangzhou #onlyen