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Cost to travel to Italy

Money and currency

The Italian currency is the euro.

€1  = approx. £0,82 

£1  = approx. €1,20 

Check the current exchange rate here.

Most places take credit cards, although American Express is not widely accepted. We recommend bringing euros from your country. Calculate 5-10€ a day per person (approx. £4-8) for minor purchases, public transportation, snacks... 

Budget for your Italian trip:

  • Flight: 80-160€ (£70-140)
  • Internal transport: 700€ (£300) for two people travelling by car on a 15 day trip.
  • Food: 30-40€ (£25-35) / per person per day
  • Activities: 15€ (£13) / per person per day
  • Accommodation: 100€ (£90) per night in a double room

Total excluding flight: approx. 1,800€ (£1,500) per person (estimated for the 15-day route). 

Best credit card to pay when travelling