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Visit to the Seville Cathedral:

Catedral de Sevilla

  • Brief description: The Seville Cathedral is the largest Gothic cathedral in the world. In 1987 UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site. Construction on it began in 1401, on the piece of land that remained after the old Aljama Mosque of Seville was razed. Most of its construction belongs to the Gothic period, although the annexes, chapels and altarpieces that were added later evidence the different styles of each century. Of especial interest are:
    • La Giralda: Former minaret from which the Arabs were summoned to prayer. Noteworthy are the ramps inside leading up. Wide and without steps, they could be mounted on horseback (walking up is interesting but strenuous: 5-10 minutes). As for the exterior, the "Giraldillo", a large bronze statue, adorns the tower. It is revolving and serves as a weather vane, in Spanish "giralda", hence the name "Giraldillo". 
    • Patio de los Naranjos (Orange Tree Courtyard): Former sahn, or courtyard, of the mosque noteworthy for the beauty of its trees. Note also the giant wooden lizard hanging from the roof at the exit to the courtyard from the Giralda. 
    • Chapterhouse: More than the room itself, the roof is worth noting. 
    • Capilla de los Cálices: Noteworthy because of the paintings Santa Justa and Santa Rufina by Goya and The Crucified Christ by Zurbarán inside. Exiting the sacristy, on the left and slightly in front is a mirror in which you can see the cathedral's ceiling in its entirety. 
    • Tomb of Christopher Columbus: A memorial built to house the remains of the admiral who discovered America. The mausoleum is situated next to the Capilla (chapel) de la Antigua, intimately connected to Columbus, for it is said that he used to pray here before embarking on his long journeys.
  • Cost: 9€.
  • Length of visit: 1hour.
  • Hours: Mondays from 11:00 to 15:30. From Tuesday to Saturday: 11:00 to 17:00; Sundays: 14:30 to 18:30. July and August: Mondays from 09:30 to 14:30. From Tuesday to Saturday: 09:30 to 16:00; Sundays: 14:30 to 18:30. Last entry is 30 minutes before closing.
  • How to get there: walking from the hotel.